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Changes to My NCBI Login: Act Now


Beginning June 2021, all NCBI-managed credentials to NCBI* accounts will be disabled.

In brief, NCBI will be transitioning to federated account credentials. NCBI-managed credentials are the username and password you set at NCBI — these will be going away. Federated account credentials are those set through eRA Commons, Google, or a university or institutional point of access.

If you have an account where you sign in directly to NCBI, you MUST link that account to other login credentials. You can link your NCBI account (or sign up for a new account) with your Google login, Northwestern NetID login, or other login profile.

We recommend that you link your account to your Northwestern login. For information and instructions on how to link your NCBI account to another login profile, please follow the directions from the NCBI.When you transfer your NCBI account to another login method, your saved searches and saved collections will be preserved.

*National Center for Biotechnology Information

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Updated: May 14, 2021