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Facts & Statistics



The following statistics reflect the state of the Galter Library's collection as of August 31, 2024.

Number of electronic journals      1,308
Number of electronic books      6,103
Number of volumes (print + electronic)    184,664
Number of subscription databases     260


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Brief Library Description

The Galter Health Sciences Library is sometimes asked to provide a brief description of the library, its resources and its services to Feinberg School of Medicine affiliates for grant applications. Please feel free to use the following text. If you need additional information, contact us.

The Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center fosters the creation and sharing of knowledge among the faculty, staff, and students of the Feinberg School of Medicine and its affiliates. We strive to advance leading-edge patient care, research, and education through integrated partnerships, dedicated services and resources, and a deep commitment to innovation and excellence. The library website provides 24-hour access to a vast collection of online medical resources including 1,308 e-journals; 6,103 e-books; and 260 literature databases. In FY 2023, library users successfully requested over 1.8 million full-text articles from library-licensed journals. Other library services include training in literature searching; curriculum and research support through the library's liaison program; clinical librarian services; best practices in data management; EndNote and publication support; interlibrary loan/document delivery; and wireless access throughout the library.

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Collections Philosophy

This Collections Philosophy guides Galter Health Sciences Library staff in our current acquisitions practices for building the best collection for the Feinberg School of Medicine community. This document is meant to work in conjunction with all other relevant library policies.

Scope of the Collection
Galter Health Sciences Library strives to offer its users a current, top-quality, relevant collection in line with the library’s mission and strategic plan. We use our expertise to assess and acquire resources in a variety of formats and seek out electronic collections whenever feasible to meet users’ needs for access. We add to the collection year-round to support emerging research, clinical, and education needs in the Feinberg School of Medicine’s missions, programs, departments, and initiatives.

For more details about Galter's collections philosophy, see the Collection Management and Metadata Services department page.

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Updated: February 26, 2025