The Galter Library constantly strives to update electronic resources and bring current tools and information to our patrons. Titles that have been added to licensed electronic collections in Winter 2024/2025 include:
- Andrews' Diseases of the Skin (14th ed)
- Conn’s Current Therapy 2025
- Corrective Endoscopy and Surgery in Inflammatory Bowel and Colorectal Diseases
- Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Pediatrics (27th ed)
- Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Psychiatry (4th ed) +++
- Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Surgery (16th ed)
- Current medical diagnosis & treatment 2025
- Current Practice Guidelines in Primary Care 2025–2026
- Dermatopathology: Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology (3rd ed) +++
- Feigin and Cherry’s Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (9th ed)
- Gray’s Clinical Photographic Dissector of the Human Body (3rd ed)
- Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine (22nd ed)- early new edition chapters that have been released
- Infection and Autoimmunity (3rd ed)
- Intrinsic and Skull Base Tumors
- Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice (9th ed)
- Netter’s Head and Neck Anatomy for Dentistry (4th ed)
- Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Techniques
- Pediatric Kidney Disease
- Practical Guide to History Taking, Physical Exam, and Functioning in the Hospital and Clinic
- Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology: Scar Management (2nd ed)
- Quick Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2025
- Researching Medical Education (2nd ed)
- Textbook of Clinical Hemodynamics (3rd ed)
- Weedon’s Skin Pathology (6th ed)
+++ FSM faculty authored or edited
Journals - licensed (individually or in packages) by other NU libraries and available to the NU community:
- ACS Electrochemistry
- Comprehensive Physiology: Inter-organ Communication in Health and Disease (a continuation of the American Physiological Society’s Handbook of Physiology series)
- Food and Humanity
- International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics (1 simultaneous user at a time)
- Next Research
- Revista Española de Patología
Other- licensed by other NU libraries and available to the NU community:
- CBS News Video Archive
- The CNN Video Collection (includes environmental studies, health, technology)
Looking for other books and resources in library collections? Use the search box on the home page of the Galter website. The Galter Guide, How to Find Resources, provides tips on how to search for print books, e-books, how to search inside multiple books simultaneously, and more.
Updated: March 4, 2025