The Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center is constantly striving to update our electronic resources and bring the the most current tools to our patrons' desktops. During the winter of 2019/20, publisher package licenses were added to and expanded, providing online access to these information resources:
Acing the GI Board Exam (2nd edition)
AJCC Cancer Staging Manual (8th edition)
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder : A Handbook for Diagnosis and Treatment (4th edition)
Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (2nd edition)
Cultural and Religious Sensitivity (3rd edition)
Introduction to Healthcare Informatics (2nd edition)
Pediatric Rehabilitation (5th edition)
Sports Medicine: A Study Guide and Review for Boards (2nd edition)
Treating Trauma and Traumatic Grief in Children and Adolescents (2nd edition)
Updated: March 5, 2020