The Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center is constantly striving to update our electronic resources and bring the most current tools to our patrons' desktops. During Fall of 2018, publisher package licenses were added and expanded, providing online access to these information resources:
- Acing the Pancreaticobiliary Questions on the GI Board Exam (2nd edition)
- Antibiotics Simplified (4th edition)
- Charney & Nestler’s Neurobiology of Mental Illness (Neurobiology of Mental Illness, 5th edition)
- The Comprehensive Neurosurgery Board Preparation Book
- Dunn & Haimann’s Healthcare Management
- Encyclopedia of Reproduction (2nd edition)
- Guide to Evidence-Based Physical Therapist Practice (4th edition)
- Health Policymaking in the United States (6th edition)
- IM Essentials
- The Law of Healthcare Administration (8th edition)
- Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation (2nd edition)
- Teaching and Learning in Physical Therapy (2nd edition)
- Temporal Bone Dissection Guide (2nd edition)
- Treating Women with Substance Use Disorders
Updated: March 5, 2020