Trends in scholarly publishing and research, health professional education, as well as clinical encounters at Northwestern and elsewhere echo what National Association of Medical Spanish president, Pilar Ortega, and co-author, Josh Prada, expressed in a 2020 Perspect Med Educ article [PMC7458954]. The authors observed: “Medical communication in languages other than English is gaining attention as the multilingual character of our society continues to grow. For example, in the U.S. context, the Spanish-speaking community is the largest minority language group...” The National Association of Medical Spanish was founded in 2018, with a motto of “Working together for healthier communication”, and its site includes a reference list “to facilitate and encourage scholarship on the topics related to medical Spanish education and linguistic access to care.”
The GalterGuide, Spanish for Health Professionals, was designed as a starting point to identify resources for learning Spanish and resources that provide Spanish-language health information. Included in the guide are books, both print and online, as well as sites of and information produced by U.S. government agencies, local and national organizations, and other groups.
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Updated: August 28, 2023