Election day (Tuesday, November 5, 2024) is fast approaching – make sure you are ready to vote
If you're a first-time voter or you've moved since the last election, you need to register or update your registration. If you want to vote by mail, you need to request your ballot. Voter registration and ballot request deadlines begin to close in early October.
Visit NU Votes to get started:
Use NU Votes' Online tools to check your registration status, register or update your registration, and request an absentee ballot.
- Get support: NU Votes staff and student team is available daily by email (nuvotes@northwestern.edu) and in-person (Evanston).
- Check out Printing & Mailing tips for Evanston campus, Chicago campus, and elsewhere.
Other trusted and accurate resources:
- vote.gov: multi-lingual information resource from the federal government
- vote.org: features a terrific list of “everything you need to vote”
- Vote411 from the League of Women Voters: "one-stop-shop" for non-partisan election related information for the public with both general and state-specific information on a wide range of topics about the election process.
- BallotReady: research your ballot, from candidates to specific measures. To find your ballot, enter the town and state in which you are registered to vote in the address field. You do not need to provide an email address.
- Ballotpedia: “The Encyclopedia of American Politics,” including sample ballots and candidate profiles.
- Injustice Watch’s 2024 Cook County judicial election guide
Election anxiety? Us too.
Try these election anxiety resources from Crisis Text Line, including tips on coping skills, talking to your kids about the election, and tackling information overload.
Updated: October 23, 2024