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New NLM Web Page: Journals Accepted for Inclusion in MEDLINE


NLM announces a new Web page that lists the journals accepted for MEDLINE indexing after LSTRC (Literature Selection Technical Review Committee) meetings. LSTRC meets three times per year (February, June, and October). The debut page has the complete list from the 2006 LSTRC meetings. Results from future meetings will be announced after each meeting with subsequent journals added to the top of the annual list.

This new resource includes the full journal title, the journal title abbreviation, NLM Unique Identifier, first issue to be indexed, ISSN (print or electronic or both), and language of the journal. Links from the full journal title take you to fuller bibliographic information about the journal in the NLM Catalog.

Some electronic-only journals are in a pending acceptance status (meaning that citations will not appear in PubMed®) until NLM receives confirmation from the publisher/editor of a permanent archive arrangement and approves the required submission of XML (Extensible Markup Language) electronic citation data.

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Updated: March 5, 2020