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Library Classes: PubMed

An introduction to basic searching of the National Library of Medicine's biomedical database, MEDLINE, using the PubMed interface.


At the completion of this class, the participant will:

  • Understand what PubMed is as well as its major subsections (MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE and Publisher Supplied Citations)
  • Be familiar with each of the following sections of the PubMed interface: Limits, History, Clipboard, and Details
  • Know how to formulate and execute a MEDLINE search
  • Be able to sort, print, and save selected citations
  • Know the basics of using some of the additional tools that are a part of PubMed (Journal Browser, MeSH Browser, and Single Citation Matcher)




This video is hosted in Northwestern Medicine's institutional repository, Prism, and requires an NU NetID login. Once in Prism, click the "Download" link for the best quality.

These videos from the National Library of Medicine cover all the PubMed functionality we would go over in one of our classes. 

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Wed, April 9 10:00 AM CDT

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