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Lessons on Medicine in WWII: Exhibit and Lecture Recording


Digital Exhibit Now Showing

During World War II, Northwestern physicians banded with Chicago-area nurses, enlisted men and Red Cross civilians to form the 12th General Hospital Unit, treating nearly 30,000 patients in the North African and Mediterranean theaters. Using the papers of Col. Michael L. Mason and Maj. James A. Conner, who served in the unit, Northwestern’s Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center has created a digital exhibit, "Operation Saving Lives: Northwestern as the 12th General Hospital in World War II," to preserve and promote the legacy of 12th General Hospital personnel.

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Exhibit Opening Lecture & Celebration

Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center celebrated the exhibit at a lunchtime event on Aug. 14, 2019 in Hughes Auditorium in Robert H. Lurie Medical Research Center on the Northwestern University Chicago campus. Several surviving relatives of the 12th General Hospital unit were in attendance, some coming from across the country to take part in the exhibit opening and celebration. During lunch, W. Sanders Marble, PhD, senior historian for the U.S. Army Office of the History of Medicine, presented on surgery and recovery during World War II.

View the event recording.

If you have questions or would like to share information about the 12th General Hospital, please contact Gabrielle Barr at

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Updated: March 5, 2020