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Software on Library Computers


Specialized Informatics Software on Dedicated Research Computers

Galter Library has a number of dedicated research computers (6 Windows PCs numbered HSL 911-916) equipped with software packages dedicated to handling statistical and bioinformatics workflows. The computers are clustered together in the first floor study space. The software packages include:

  • SPSS
  • SAS
  • Stata
  • GraphPad Prism

In addition, these computers have standard productivity software (Microsoft Office suite and the Adobe Creative Cloud).

If you’re unable to visit the library, NUworkspace offers users a virtual Windows desktop service that provides access to a suite of many software applications to faculty, students, and staff, including access to software packages that may not be readily available on their desktop/laptop computers. Find more information and a login link for NUworkspace in the IT Knowledge Base.

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Software on Library Computers

The following is a list of the software available for use on the library's public computers. The software is on all computers unless otherwise stated. 

PC / Windows


  • Acrobat Creative Suite
    • Photoshop
    • Acrobat Professional
    • Distiller
  • ArcMap/ArcGIS
  • EndNote
  • Microsoft Office
    • Access
    • Excel
    • PowerPoint
    • Word
    • OneNote
    • Sharepoint
  • Python (Anaconda Navigator with jupyterlab, jupyter notebook, qtconsole, and spyder)
  • R and RStudio
  • SAS (labeled PCs)
  • SPSS (labeled PCs)
  • STATA (labeled PCs)
  • Acrobat Creative Suite
    • Photoshop
    • Acrobat Professional
  • EndNote
  • Microsoft Office
    • Excel
    • PowerPoint
    • Word
  • R and RStudio


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Software Support

The library provides access to a number of statistical software packages (SAS, Stata, SPSS, R) and productivity software (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) on the public computers at Galter. Here are your options for assistance and training with these products:

  • Online tutorials: check the individual software website for guides and video tutorials or search YouTube.
  • LinkedIn Learning: on demand access to a full range of online courses, currently being piloted by NU. Includes tutorials on all the major software packages. Learn more.
  • Biostatistical Collaboration Center: offers fee-based support and collaboration on statistical projects.
  • Sign up for training, workshops, and consultations through NUIT Research Computing Services. See their training schedule for more information on class offerings.

You can also check out Northwestern University Libraries' online books and manuals for the various softwares:

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Discounted or Free Software for NU Affiliates

Some of the software listed here is offered for academic and/or personal use at significant or total discount to Northwestern faculty and staff or students. An active NetID is required to download any software. See the NUIT Software site for details and instructions.

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Appropriate Use of Galter Library Computer Workstations

The Galter Health Sciences Library provides computer workstations to facilitate access to collections, information, and services in support of the teaching, learning and research missions of Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine; they are intended for non-commercial use or educational purposes only. Faculty, staff, students and residents currently affiliated with Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine have priority for workstation use.

Persons other than NU students, faculty and staff may use designated library computer workstations with temporary guest NetID logins issued at the Galter Health Sciences Library Circulation Desk. During periods of high demand, computer workstation access to non-Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine users may be further restricted.

All Galter Health Sciences Library users assume responsibility for using provided computer workstations in a manner in compliance with state and federal laws, as well as University policies outlined in Rights and Responsibilities for the Use of Central Network and Computing Resources at Northwestern University , Privacy Within the Northwestern Network , and the Galter Library Appropriate Use of Electronic Resources.

Persons who violate any of these policies may lose their privileges to use the Galter Health Sciences Library, may be subject to Northwestern University disciplinary actions, and/or be subject to criminal prosecution or other legal action, as appropriate.

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Updated: February 13, 2024