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Reserve a Library Space


Please fill out this form to request a reservation for a Library Conference Room. See the Classrooms & Study Spaces page for more information about the rooms and our policies.

Filling out this form does not guarantee a reservation.

You will receive a confirmation of your reservation when it is complete. Making reservations well in advance is encouraged. Note that Curriculum-related events have priority over other reservations.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

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Reserve a Library Space

Contact Information
Meeting Information
For example: "PH301 study group", "A. Yoon / histology review".)
If requesting several dates, note the starting date above. Please use the notes section to indicate any recurring schedule or details.
If requesting the Computer Classroom, please provide Course information.
There is typically no charge to reserve a teaching space. Chart strings will be used for statistical purposes and if any damages occur.

Updated: March 1, 2022