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Find my Liaison Librarian


The Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center's Liaison Librarian Service creates partnerships between the library and its constituents by pairing librarians with departments, centers, institutes, and programs at the Feinberg School of Medicine. The aim is to enhance communication, collaboration, and the effectiveness of the library in supporting the education, clinical, and research needs of Feinberg. Please see the Liaison Librarian Service description at the end of this page for further information.

Check the listing below to find your liaison. If your department isn't listed, contact to be matched with a librarian who can assist you.

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Departments Liaison
Anesthesiology Denise Nunes
Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Pamela Shaw
Cell & Developmental Biology Pamela Shaw
Dermatology Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
Emergency Medicine Annie Wescott
Family and Community Medicine Annie Wescott
Medical Education Krystal Madkins
Medicine Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
     Allergy-Immunology Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
     Cardiology Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
     Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Molecular Medicine Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
     Gastroenterology and Hepatology Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
     General Internal Medicine Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
     Geriatrics Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
     Hematology/Oncology Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
     Hospital Medicine Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
     Infectious Disease Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
     Nephrology and Hypertension Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
     Pulmonary and Critical Care Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
     Rheumatology Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
Medical Social Sciences Corinne Miller
Microbiology-Immunology Pamela Shaw
Neurological Surgery Annie Wescott
Neurology Annie Wescott
Obstetrics and Gynecology Molly Beestrum
Ophthalmology Molly Beestrum
Orthopaedic Surgery Eileen Wafford
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Eileen Wafford
Pathology Pamela Shaw
Pediatrics (Feinberg faculty, residents, and fellows) Denise Nunes
Pediatrics (Lurie Children's and Stanley Manne staff) Andrea Fawcett
Pharmacology Pamela Shaw
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Eileen Wafford
Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences Eileen Wafford
Physiology Pamela Shaw
Preventive Medicine Eileen Wafford
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Annie Wescott
Radiology Eileen Wafford
Radiation Oncology Eileen Wafford
Surgery Eileen Wafford
     Breast Surgery Eileen Wafford
     Cardiac Surgery Eileen Wafford
     Gastrointestinal & Oncologic Surgery Eileen Wafford
     Organ Transplantation Eileen Wafford
     Pediatric Surgery Eileen Wafford
     Plastic Surgery Eileen Wafford
     Thoracic Surgery Eileen Wafford
     Trauma & Critical Care Eileen Wafford
     Vascular Surgery Eileen Wafford
Urology Corinne Miller
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Feinberg Institutes & Centers

Institutes and Centers Liaison
Center for Bedside Medicine Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
Center for Diabetes and Metabolism Corinne Miller
Center for Genetic Medicine (CGM) Pamela Shaw
Center for Human Immunobiology (CHI) Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
Center for Regenerative Nanomedicine Pamela Shaw
Center for Reproductive Science Molly Beestrum
Comprehensive Transplant Center Eileen Wafford
Feinberg Neuroscience Institute  
     Abrams Research Center on Neurogenomics Annie Wescott
     Asher Center for the Study and Treatment of Depressive Disorders Annie Wescott
     Center for Autism and Neurodevelopment Annie Wescott
     Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies Pamela Shaw
     Center for Circadian and Sleep Medicine Pamela Shaw
     Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience Annie Wescott
     Center for Translational Pain Research Annie Wescott
     Denning Ataxia Center Annie Wescott
     Mesulam Center for Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease Pamela Shaw
     Les Turner ALS Research and Patient Center at Northwestern Medicine Pamela Shaw
     Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders Center Pamela Shaw
     Center for Neurogenetics Pamela Shaw
The Heart Institutes  
     Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
     Center for Arrhythmia Research Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
     Feinberg Cardiovascular & Renal Research Institute Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
          Center for Molecular Cardiology Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
          Center for Vascular and Developmental Biology Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
          George M. O'Brien Kidney Research Core Center (NU GoKidney) Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (I.AIM)  
     Center for Advanced Molecular Analysis Pamela Shaw
     Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities Molly Beestrum
     Center for Data Science and Informatics (CDSI) Pamela Shaw
     Center for Collaborative AI in Healthcare Pamela Shaw
     Center for Computational Imaging & Signal Analytics in Medicine Pamela Shaw
     Center for Computational & Social Sciences in Health (COMPASS) Pamela Shaw
     Center for Deep Phenotyping & Precision Therapeutics Pamela Shaw
     Center for Medical Education in Data Science & Digital Health Krystal Madkins
Institute for Innovations in Developmental Sciences (DevSci) Annie Wescott
Institute for Public Health and Medicine (IPHAM)  
     Buehler Center for Health Policy and Economics Eileen Wafford
     Center for Applied Health Research on Aging Corinne Miller
     Center for Behavior and Health Annie Wescott
     Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities Molly Beestrum
     Center for Community Health (CCH) Eileen Wafford
     Center for Dissemination and Implementation Science Annie Wescott
     Center for Education in Health Sciences Krystal Madkins
     Center for Engineering and Health Krystal Madkins
     Center for Epidemiology and Population Health (CEPH) Eileen Wafford
     Center for Food Allergy and Asthma Research Corinne Miller
     Center for Health Equity Transformation (CHET) Eileen Wafford
     Center for Health Information Partnerships (CHIP) Molly Beestrum
     Center for Health Services & Outcomes Research Eileen Wafford
     Center for Patient-Centered Outcomes Mark Berendsen
     Cardiac Surgery Eileen Wafford
     Center for Primary Care Innovation Corinne Miller
     Center for Translational Metabolism and Health Corinne Miller
Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health and Wellbeing (ISGMH) Corinne Miller
Northwestern Quality Improvement, Research, & Education in Surgery (NQIRES) Eileen Wafford
Northwestern University Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (NUCATS)  
     Biostatistics Collaboration Center (BCC) Pamela Shaw
     Center for Data Science and Informatics (CDSI) Pamela Shaw
     Center for Clinical Research (CCR) Molly Beestrum
     Center for Community Health (CCH) Eileen Wafford
     Center for Education and Career Development (CECD) Annie Wescott
     Center for Translational Innovation (CTI) Annie Wescott
     Northwestern University Data & Analysis Coordinating Center (NUDACC) Pamela Shaw
Osher Center for Integrative Health Eileen Wafford
Querrey Simpson Institute for Bioelectronics (QSIB) Pamela Shaw
Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University Eileen Wafford
     Cancer Survivorship Institute (CSI) Corinne Miller
     Center for Cancer Genomics Pamela Shaw
     Center for Global Oncology Eileen Wafford
     Malnati Brain Tumor Institute Annie Wescott
     Northwestern Institute for Comparative Effectiveness Research (NICER) Mark Berendsen
     Polsky Urologic Cancer Institute Corinne Miller
Robert J. Havey, MD Institute for Global Health Eileen Wafford
Shirley Ryan Ability Lab Eileen Wafford
Simpson Querrey Institute for Epigenetics Pamela Shaw
Simpson Querrey Lung Institute for Translational Science (SQLIFTS) Corinne Miller & Denise Nunes
Stanley Manne Children's Research Institute Andrea Fawcett (Lurie Children's)


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About the Liaison Librarian Service

What are Liaison Librarians?

Liaison librarians have been designated as the primary contacts between the Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center and a department or center of Feinberg School of Medicine. The goal of the liaison service is to provide faculty, students, residents, fellows, and staff with the name of at least one person they can call upon as a starting point for assistance with or information about any library service or issue. Liaison librarians foster communication between the library and Feinberg's programs, and understand the information needs of their departments.

Liaison Librarians are:

  • Well-informed about the library’s collections, services, policies, and resources, and skilled in interpreting and promoting these to faculty and students in their departments
  • Knowledgeable of the subject matter and nature of the teaching and research conducted by the department
  • Adept at working together with teaching faculty to ensure that relevant information access skills and tools are incorporated into academic programs

Your liaison librarian will:

  • Actively foster communication with the assigned department or center
  • Provide education services to inform and teach users in the departments how to use the library’s resources and find information
  • Promote library services and resources to the departments and centers
  • Inform library users how to access library resources and services
  • Be a contact for collection development and requests for resources or services
  • Participate in professional development activities to enhance skills and knowledge to support assigned departments

What your liaison librarian can do for your department


  • Produce information guides on new services, collections, and research tools
  • Prepare or update subject research Web guides
  • Schedule regular on site visits, e.g. office or computer lab hours
  • Write a feature or column for your departmental newsletter
  • Send information packets to new faculty
  • Meet with the Department Head, faculty and staff members to learn about current plans for your department or center and gather feedback on the library services
  • Attend departmental meetings or other relevant gatherings
  • Serve on a departmental committee
  • Assist with departmental or center program, re-accreditation, or grant applications

Orientations, Instructional Sessions, and Demonstrations

  • Schedule individual orientation meetings with new faculty
  • Schedule library orientation sessions for new residents
  • Create, review, and revise orientation or instruction programs
  • Demonstrate relevant library resources and services
  • Attend departmental events
  • Survey and document your faculty research interests

Collection Development

  • Create or update a collection development profile for library materials
  • Perform a library collection review
  • Get feedback on serial and book use and elicit suggestions for purchase
  • Assist in evaluating and selecting materials for existing or future collections

Liaison Activities for the Curriculum

  • Work with you to insure information literacy is fully incorporated into the your curriculum
  • Establish a teaching partnership with a member of your department
  • Teach a course or a course component in your department or program
  • Establish a research partnership with a member of your department or program
  • Develop or help develop a program that promotes active student centered learning
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Updated: March 3, 2025