Biosciences & Bioinformatics Librarian
NIH Public Access Compliance Reporter (PACR)
Ward 1-285
Phone: (312) 503-8689
Email: p-shaw2@northwestern.edu
Bioinformatics and Data Management Support and Collaboration
- Visiting departments to alert users of new resources
- Directing users to appropriate resources
- Creating subject and program based resource guides
- Scheduling workshops by experts on the use of bioinformatics databases and other research tools
NIH Public Access Policy Compliance
As the NIH Public Access Policy Compliance Monitor Role (PACR) for Northwestern University, I support researchers and their staff with issues regarding compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy. These issues include:
- Managing publications with MyNCBI's "My Bibliography"
- Depositing papers to PubMed Central through the NIH Manuscript Submission (NIHMS) system
- Dealing with journal publishers to request deposit of manuscripts to PubMed Central or NIHMS
- Formatting biosketches in accordance with the NIH new biosketch format and using the MyNCBI SciENcv biosketch tool
See my Galter Library guide to the NIH Public Access Policy, or contact me for assistance.
Liaison Areas
Departments | Centers & Institutes | Programs |
As your liaison librarian, I can help you:
- search bibliographic databases (Web of Science, Scopus, MEDLINE)
- select specialized nucleic acid, protein and genome databases
- organize your citations with EndNote
- organize and prepare grant materials in a manner compliant with the NIH Public Access Mandate
Do you need help finding the pig homologue for human tau protein?
Do you need an open-source molecular modeling program?
Do you need to know how to cite GEO DataSets?
Do you need to know how and when to include the PMCID in your grant bibliographies?
I can help you with questions like these, and many more.
Publications - Manuscripts
Fort DG, Herr TM, Shaw PL, Gutzman KE, Starren JB. Mapping the evolving definitions of translational research. J Clin Transl Sci. 2017; 1(1):60-66. PMCID: PMC5408839
Clare SE, Shaw PL. "Big Data" for breast cancer: where to look and what you will find. NPJ Breast Cancer. 2016; 2: 16301. PMCID: PMC5289822
Xu J, Rasmussen LV, Shaw PL, Jiang G, Kiefer RC, Mo H, Pacheco JA, Speltz P, Zhu Q, Denny JC, Pathak J, Thompson WK, Montague E. Review and evaluation of electronic health records-driven phenotype algorithm authoring tools for clinical and translational research. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2015; 22(6):1250-60. PMCID: PMC5009915
Callese TE, Richards CT, Shaw P, Schuetz SJ, Paladino L, Issa N, Swaroop M. Trauma system development in low- and middle-income countries: a review. J Surg Res. 2015; 193(1):300-7. PMID: 25450600
Buys C, Shaw P. Data Management Practices Across an Institution: Survey and Report. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication. 2015; 3(2):eP1225. doi: 10.7910/DVN/ZMZ5RD.
- Callese TE, Richards CT, Shaw P, Schuetz SJ, Issa N, Paladino L, Swaroop M. Layperson trauma training in low- and middle-income countries: a review. J Surg Res. 2014; 190(1):104-10. PMID: 24746252
- Feng G, Shaw P, Rosen ST, Lin SM, Kibbe WA. Using the Bioconductor GeneAnswers package to interpret gene lists. Methods Mol Bio. 2012; 802:101-12. PMID: 22130876
- Shaw PL, Kirschner AN, Jardetzky TS, Longnecker R. Characteristics of Epstein-Barr virus envelope protein gp42. Virus Genes. 2010; Jun;40(3): 307-19. PMCID: PMC2854865
- Lambert MP, Velasco PT, Chang L, Viola KL, Fernandez S, Lacor PN, Khuon D, Gong Y, Bigio EH, Shaw P, De Felice FG, Krafft GA, Klein WL.Monoclonal antibodies that target pathological assemblies of Abeta. J Neurochem. 2007 Jan; 100(1):23-35.
- Grudzien A, Shaw P, Weintraub S, Bigio E, Mash DC, Mesulam MM. Locus coeruleus neurofibrillary degeneration in aging, mild cognitive impairment and early Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging. 2007 Mar; 28(3):327-35.
- Mesulam M, Shaw P, Mash D, Weintraub S. Cholinergic nucleus basalis tauopathy emerges early in the aging-MCI-AD continuum. Ann Neurol. 2004 Jun;55(6):815-28.
- Mesulam MM, Guillozet A, Shaw P, Levey A, Duysen EG, Lockridge O. Acetylcholinesterase knockouts establish central cholinergic pathways and can use butyrylcholinesterase to hydrolyze acetylcholine. Neuroscience. 2002; 110(4):627-39.
- Mesulam M, Guillozet A, Shaw P, Quinn B. Widely spread butyrylcholinesterase can hydrolyze acetylcholine in the normal and Alzheimer brain. Neurobiol Dis. 2002; Feb; 9(1):88-93.
- Elsayed MH, Hogan TP, Shaw PL, Castro AJ. Use of fetal cortical grafts in hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in neonatal rats. Exp Neurol. 1996 Jan; 137(1):127-41.
- Schulz MK, McNulty JA, Handa RJ, Hogan TP, Tillotson GL, Shaw PL, Zimmer J, Castro AJ. Fetal neocortical transplants grafted into neocortical lesion cavities made in newborn rats: an analysis of transplant integration with the host brain. Cell Transplant. 1995 Jan-Feb; 4(1):123-32.
- Schulz MK, Hogan TP, Castro AJ. Connectivity of fetal neocortical block transplants in the excitotoxically ablated cortex of adult rats. Exp Brain Res. 1993;96(3):480-6. doi: 10.1007/BF00234115. PMID: 7507863.
- McNulty JA, Fox LM, Shaw PL, Alones VE, Klausen BS, Swenson RS, Castro AJ. Pineal gland transplants into the cerebral hemisphere of newborn rats: a study of the blood brain barrier and innervation. J Neural Transplant Plast. 1991; 2(2):113-24.
- Swenson RS, Shaw P, Alones V, Kozlowski G, Zimmer J, Castro AJ. Neocortical transplants grafted into the newborn rat brain demonstrate a blood-brain barrier to macromolecules. Neurosci Lett. 1989 May 22; 100(1-3):35-9.
Conference Presentations
- Shaw PL & Buys CM. Disciplinary perceptions of data and data management practices. Poster presentation. Medical Library Association annual conference. Austin, TX. May 2015.
- Shaw PL. From talking dogs to personalized medicine: The weird and wonderful history of inheritance and pharmacogenomics from pups to people. Medical Library Association annual conference. Austin, TX. May 2015.
- Shaw PL & Buys CM. When “How hard can it be?” becomes “a Sisyphean task”: Framing a data-sharing platform for developmental health outcomes. Paper presentation. Medical Library Association annual conference. Austin, TX. May 2015.
- Shaw PL, Buys CM, Paris JM. Powerful partners make E-Science & data management a success. Paper presentation. Medical Library Association annual conference. Austin, Tx, May 2015.
- Shaw PL & Buys CM. Disciplinary discrepancies in perceptions of data and data management practices. Poster presentation. VIVO / Science of Team Science(SciTS) annual conference. Austin, TX. August 2014.
- Shaw PL. Evolution of the librarian as superhero. Paper presentation. Medical Library Association annual conference. Chicago, IL. May 2014.
- Shaw PL, O'Dwyer L. Building a better translational researcher: The library's role in training the clinical and translational investigator. Paper presentation. Medical Library Association annual conference. Chicago, IL. May 2014.
- Shaw PL, Adams SM, Buys CM. The power of the library in team science. Poster presentation. Science of Team Science(SciTS) annual conference. Evanston, IL. June 2013.
- Shaw PL. Taking translational science to the community: Working with community-engaged health research organizations. Paper presentation. Medical Library Association annual conference. Boston, MA. May 2013
- Shaw PL. Genomic literacy: How much is enough? Panel presentation. AAAS/Science reception and panel discussion: Genomic Medicine, Personalized Genomics, and Genomic Literacy: Contributions from Health Science Libraries. Medical Library Association annual conference. Seattle, WA. May 2012.
- Shaw PL and Lin SM. Developing standards for sequencing methods reporting. Poster presentation. Medical Library Association annual conference. Seattle, WA. May 2012
- Falk-Krzesinski H, Wimbiscus-Yoon L, Shaw PL. Comparative matrix of research networking tools. Poster presentation. VIVO annual conference. New York, NY. August 2010.
- Shaw PL. Too many fish and no fishing pole: Building a taxonomy for discovery of instruments for the national CTSA federated website. Paper presentation. Medical Library Association annual conference. Washington, DC. May 2010.
- Shaw PL, Shedlock J, Longnecker R. The virology bioinformatics librarian: A year in the life of an embedded NLM Informationist Fellow. Paper presentation. Medical Library Association annual conference. Honolulu, HI. May 2009.
- Shaw PL, Flatow J, Lin S. g3p: the Google Gadget Gateway to PubMed. Poster presentation. Special Libraries Association annual conference. Seattle, WA. June 2008.
- Shaw PL. Protein tools for viral research. Poster presentation. Special Libraries Association annual conference. Denver, CO. June 2007
- National Library of Medicine Individual Fellowship in Informationist Training: Developing Skills in Research Bioinformatics. July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2009
Updated: October 22, 2024