Explore Exhibits

Displaying exhibits 1 - 10 of 23 in total
Reconstructing the Body
Current anatomy art imaging Oct 7, 2024 - PresentLocation: Eckenhoff Reading Room
The images and artifacts in this exhibit reimagine and reconstruct the human body, as inspired by Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.
Reviving the Body
Current science 19th century 18th century literature Oct 7, 2024 - PresentScience, Frankenstein, and the "Spark of Life" Location: Eckenhoff Reading Room
Discover the scientific theories that inspired the animation of Frankenstein’s monster in Mary Shelley’s classic gothic horror novel, Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus. Researchers argued that galvanism, a sort of electricity they believed was the life force in all animals, could be used to resuscitate people, or possibly even reanimate a corpse. “How dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge (Ch. 4),” especially when a spark can generate life?
19th century 18th century literature science traveling exhibit Oct 7, 2024 - Nov 16, 2024Penetrating the Secrets of Nature Location: Library Atrium
Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein served as a metaphor for 19th century apprehensions about scientific advancement that still resonate today as science continues to penetrate the secrets of nature.
The Bell Brothers and the Art of Surgical Anatomy
surgery biography 19th century anatomy art 18th century Feb 7, 2024 - Sep 30, 2024Location: Eckenhoff Reading Room
John and Charles Bell used their skills as educators and artists to advance novel ideas of educational reform and to create the field of surgical anatomy.
The Stormy Petrel & the Bull Moose
Current northwestern american history 20th century surgery political history chicago Jul 18, 2023 - PresentJ.B. Murphy & the Attempted Assassination of Theodore Roosevelt Location: Eisenberg Gallery
In October 1912, a would-be assassin's bullet brought former president Theodore Roosevelt into the path of renowned Chicago surgeon John Benjamin Murphy. This exhibit tells the story of the chance encounter between these larger-than-life figures in American history, exploring Murphy’s colorful career as well as the aftermath of Roosevelt’s shooting.
Healthcare in Chicago's Early (Im)migrant Communities
public health northwestern chicago immigration Mar 20, 2023 - Feb 7, 2024Location: Eckenhoff Reading Room
Immigrants and migrants who came to Chicago at the turn of the 20th century encountered attitudes ranging from sympathetic and paternalistic to outright hostile. When the existing healthcare systems could not—or would not—help them, they had to rely on traditional methods or establish their own institutions.
traveling exhibit public health immigration Mar 3, 2023 - Apr 22, 2023Immigration, Migration, and Health Care in the United States Location: Library Atrium
This traveling exhibit explores how immigrants’ and migrants’ experiences with American healthcare systems have changed over the past 130 years.
A Snapshot of Women Faculty at Northwestern University Medical School
northwestern chicago women's history 20th century Nov 2, 2021 - Mar 20, 202325, 50, 75, and 100 years ago Location: Eckenhoff Reading Room
Meet 14 women from Feinberg’s past and present who have worked as research assistants, fellows, instructors, demonstrators, and professors in 1921, 1946, 1971, and 1996. Snapshots of these women’s lives highlight the challenges that women have faced—and still do—of working in the health sciences, while also celebrating the impacts that their research, teaching, clinical care, and mentorship have had on their patients, families, communities, and institutions.
Pathways in Medicine
Current northwestern biography 19th century Apr 1, 2021 - PresentVignettes of Notable Faculty and Alumni/ae Location: Second Floor Window Display
Features four early graduates of the medical school, highlighting their backgrounds and cultural identities, which were especially underrepresented in mid- to late 19th century American medicine, their accomplishments, and the different directions their medical careers took them.
American Women Physicians in WWI
traveling exhibit military medicine women's history world war i Sep 1, 2020 - Nov 30, 2020Location: Eckenhoff Reading Room
This traveling exhibit from the American Medical Women’s Association celebrates the contributions of the unsung women physicians who served during the First World War.